6 Famous Bloggers And Their Blogs To Inspire You

So, you’re toying with the idea of starting your own blog, or perhaps you’ve been blogging for a while, and want to take things to the next level.

6 Famous Bloggers And Their Blogs To Inspire You

One of the best ways that we can get ourselves motivated is by reading the success stories of others, and there are countless blog’s out there on the internet that have shot to stardom.

Each of them are unique, and offer a personal and interesting perspective. 

Blogs are a format by which we can effectively communicate with audience’s, and exhibit a shared love of a certain theme or hobby.

Below, we’re going to be taking a closer look at some of the most inspirational blogs on the whole of the internet, all of which have proven to be massive success stories. 

If you need the extra push to feel inspired today, simply keep reading, as we take a closer look. 

1. Mr Money Mustache 

The first blog that we’re going to be taking a closer look at is Mr Money Mustache.

This is a highly relatable and insightful blog, created by an author who uses his wit to make complicated topics easier to understand. 

The author first began his blogging journey when he decided that it was time to share his frugal practices surrounding money.

Mr Money Mustache’s skills allowed him the opportunity to retire early, and he wanted to show others how they could do so too. 

This blog covers a wealth of finance related topics, all of which are incredibly relevant and insightful, and despite sometimes being slightly complicated, the author manages to break everything down into easy, digestible chunks. 

We love the humor that drives each of Mr Money Mustache’s articles, and although he sometimes exhibits guest authors, most of them are written by the creator, and this really shines through via the content. 

2. Humans Of New York 

This blog is living proof of how you can take an incredibly simple and straightforward idea, and turn it into something huge.

This blog began when its creator decided that he wanted to start a new photographic project.

Being native to New York, Brendan Stanton was always fascinated by the faces he saw in the city, and wanted to capture them and give their backstory. 

This is what prompted him to start his blog, called Humans Of New York, which has since become one of the most successful blogs on the internet. 

Within Brendan’s blog, we find dozens and dozens of captivating and heartwarming stories.

We hear of regular people, and the heroic acts they’ve conducted in their lives.

This is a truly inspirational blog, and has even seen the release of two books, both of which show Brendan’s photography in its full glory, and exhibit some of the blog’s favorite stories. 

3. Cookie And Kate 

On the surface, this blog might not seem like anything special. It’s a vegetarian food blog, one of millions on the internet.

But, the reason why this blog has been so successful is because of the unique spin that its creator, Kate has put on it.

In this blog, we find peppered throughout the recipes countless photos of her dog, called Cookie. 

Cookie became an internet sensation, and readers were drawn in by the images on the blog.

But, Kate’s recipes, of which there are hundreds, ensured that her audiences remained glued to the blog because of her consistent posting schedule, and easy and delicious recipes. 

It goes to show that even employing something as simple as a pet mascot can help to build your brand.

Taking a topic that’s widespread, then adding something unique and interesting that helps differentiate it from the competition is the key to a successful blog. 

4. DadCAMP 

This blog, titled DadCAMP, is a blog that’s specifically tailored towards fatherhood.

It’s creator doesn’t mean to instruct others on how to parent, but rather share some of the knowledge and wisdom he’s acquired in real time.

This blog is highly relatable, and gives a personal view on the subject of fatherhood, not shying away from more difficult topics either. 

It gives some advice and ideas, including a list of activities and things you can do to bond with your children in order to create long lasting memories.

It also covers broad and popular topics such as health, travel, cooking and sport. 

Basically, this blog covers fatherhood in all capacities through a relatable voice. 

5. Nia Shanks 

The slogan of this popular blog is ‘be more, not less’, and we absolutely love the message that it sends to young women.

This blog is centered around a woman called Nia, who absolutely adores weight lifting, and throughout the years has gained a highly proficient knowledge of the subject. 

Nia tackles difficult topics, such as women being told to be ‘small and frail’, rather than strong and capable individuals.

She shares how societal standards can drive women into eating disorders, and how weightlifting can be of massive benefit when it comes to combating these unhealthy habits. 

We love the message that this blog spreads, and it’s great in giving in depth knowledge on a subject that’s usually tailored towards men.

Nia speaks only about women’s bodies in regards to weightlifting, and how you can make a positive impact with your fitness. 

6. Zen Habits 

Zen Habits is a blog about minimalism, a way of living that’s really blown up in the past 5 years.

But, this was one of the first blogs to introduce this concept to the western world, and was written by an inspirational man called Leo Babauta, who transformed his own life. 

Previous to writing his blog, Leo was tired, stressed, overwhelmed and facing a deep sense of depression.

He decided that he couldn’t continue his life in this manner, and that he would start making small, gradual changes each and every day. 

Now his life looks completely different, and he gets up early every single day, pursues his passions, and has even completed a marathon.

Leo shares advice with his audience on how they too can make small changes that lead to happier and more fulfilling lives. 

Final Thoughts 

To sum up, starting a blog can seem overwhelming, but reading about the stories of other people, and how they’ve managed to make their blog’s a success can really help to motivate you.

We hope that this article has provided you with some inspiration, and we wish you the best of luck with your blog. 

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