Can I Hire Someone To Write My Business Plan?

If you’re thinking about starting your own business, you’ve probably come across the term “business plan”.

Can I Hire Someone To Write My Business Plan

(Basically, a document that ought to be carefully researched, that covers everything from the business mission, objectives and strategies, sales and marketing campaigns, intended operating procedures, and crucially, financial forecasts.)

If you’re more of an ideas-person rather than someone who’s good with figures, the idea of putting together a business plan may seem intimidating…

You’d have to work out how much investment you will need not only for starting up and launching the business but also for the day to day running of it as well. Or in other words, calculating at what point will the business start to pay for itself.

In this article, I’m going to cover whether a business plan is really necessary, whether or not you should write your own business plan, and, of course, whether you can hire someone to write your business plan for you.

Then I’ll discuss different online platforms where you can find someone to write your business plan.

Please feel free to scroll ahead to any section that jumps out at you.

And, without further ado, let’s get straight to it.

Is A Business Plan Really Necessary?

Truth be told, if the business you have in mind will have very low overheads and a decent profit margin, then so long as you know how you’re getting paid for the first, say six months or so, then you may be able to get away without using one.

Instead, you could have a more agile business model that adapts to the circumstances it grows into. Which, more often than not, is how you would run it if it was just a side hustle.

That said, however, there’s a lot to be said for having a good, detailed business plan in black and white before you start.

That way, you can plan ahead, set objectives, and later evaluate how well the business is doing towards these goals and whether it has become self-financing, and whether it’s able to continue, and hopefully thrive, in the same format.

Should You Write Your Own Business Plan?

There’s a lot to be said for writing your business plan. Knowing your game plan before you go into such a venture can instill a great deal of confidence, and give you a greater feeling of control.

It provides very clear guidelines about how the business will go ahead, including the finance required, and a plan to pay any wages (including your own) and other overheads, such as software subscriptions, including any outstanding debts. 

But if you’re not confident with figures, or if you’re not confident in carrying out the necessary market research, then you could benefit from paying someone to write your business plan for you.

You Will Be Involved

Whether you write your business plan yourself or have someone to write it for you, you will need to know the key points on the business plan, such as knowing the point at which the business can start making a profit (if it won’t be right away, that’s still ok).

If you were to have someone write your business plan for you, they will have to consult with you about your plans for the business.

So in that respect, you will have to be involved, and the only real benefit of having someone write the business plan for you is that it can give you more confidence in the plan if it’s written by someone with experience in such things.

There’s certainly a case to be made that you can learn how to write your business plan yourself, because there’s a great deal of guidance available for it online, and even free templates you can use for it.

You will have to make a judgment call on whether you want to hire someone to write your business plan for you.

Where Can I Find Someone To Write My Business Plan?

Here are my top recommendations when it comes to finding someone to write my business plan.


For those of you who don’t already know, Fiverr is an online marketplace connecting businesses looking to hire with relevant freelancers for their business needs.

One of the gigs that you can hire a freelancer for on Fiverr is the writing of your business plan

You can choose from business plans for startups, business plans for loan approval, business plans for nonprofits, and business plans for partnerships.

If you wish, you can filter the results to show one or more of the following:

  • Vetted professionals only
  • Freelancers in your country
  • Freelancers who happen to be online right now

You can then select the language, the file format, the purpose, what you want included, seller level, delivery time, and of course, budget. A budget that works for you, that is.

As you scan through the results, you can see how much each seller would charge for what they offer, their average rating out of five, select favorites, and you can click on their online business card to find out more, and from there you can contact the seller directly.


This is a company that’s dedicated solely to writing business plans for its clients. Their consultants are expert business plan writers, all with either a Master’s degree or equivalent in business administration.

Can I Hire Someone To Write My Business Plan (1)

The company has been in the business for over 20 years and has become the nation’s number one business plan writing company.

Their service covers conducting any necessary market research, working with you to create the best strategies for growing your business, creating sophisticated, valid financial projections, and crucially, gearing the business plan to your target audience, such as any investors you wish to approach.


You can also search for someone to write your business plan on the platform Upwork.

You simply type in your search terms, and filter using categories such as freelancers, agencies or both, location, hourly rate (ranging from $10 and below to $60 and above), and more.

On the results page, you will be presented with a list of freelancers, featuring their photo, name, job success, hourly rate, and more.

Wrap Up

So, I would argue that if you are truly serious about your business, or if you have real ambition for it, then your business could really benefit from having a business plan, even if you don’t need it to approach investors or for business loans.

If you’d prefer to have someone write a good business plan on your behalf, or to help you with it, there is absolutely no shame in that. In fact, if you sense that you could really benefit from some additional assistance, then it may be the best way to go.

But if you do have someone write your business plan for you, then be sure that you know and understand every term used on it, because the people who write your business plan aren’t going to pitch your business to an investor for you.

And the good news is that you don’t have to go far to find this assistance, whether you decide to go with a professional business plan writing agency, or to go with a freelancer that you feel sufficiently confident hiring. 

So, yes, you can hire someone to write your business plan, and maybe you should.

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